What do butterflies and octopuses have in common? Magic. Magical cells & jumping genes. A natural ability to transform themselves. Personal alchemy! Oh, don’t we all know about how caterpillars transform into butterflies? Yet the science behind it cannot obscure the magic of it. The actual cells responsible for the transformation of fuzzy creepy-crawly … Read More

Summer Solstice 2016
Longest day of the year, shortest night. This celestial phenomenon has always held significance for humanity: In ancient Greece the summer solstice was the first day of the new year. The ancient Chinese honored earth and femininity — the yin — on the summer solstice. Many old European cultures had large bonfires around which the … Read More
Once Upon A Fraud
My mother, in her wisdom, would intone: “Horses sweat, men perspire, women glow.” Give me a bathing suit and point me towards the ocean surf. No boards, please. That was, and still is, my idea of being “active.” But in my mid-twenties, living in Vermont, there was no ocean nearby. I started jogging and found … Read More
From the Journals of…
Insights, quotes and wisdom notes from my travels, jotted down at those times and in those places follow, rather higgeldy-piggeldy and not in any organized order: PERFECTION IS ILLUSION & DELUSION; BUT WE CAN STRIVE FOR WHOLENESS. Ritual is setting intention “The Priest/Priestess is the midwife of Grace” ~ Matthew Fox We are the imaginal cells … Read More
Tomato Grace
From a nearby correspondent: This week I have my first ripe heirloom tomato. In March, the unlikely plants emerged from a weed-filled box in my greenhouse. They must have grown from seeds I saved last season, and in an obviously foolhardy act, like someone buying a lottery ticket, I cast them into the … Read More
Been thinking about fame, actually the concept of “fame.” I’ve never read what others have written about fame, think about it. Have philosophers delved into it? If those “old dead white guys” have, it is certainly not with all the nuances that today’s technological culture brings with it. And brings to media, communications, and the … Read More